A Different Holiday Season This Year. What We Can Do

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Dear Friends,

In this blog we will offer suggestions for ways to stay in a strong, connected, and calm internal state – mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically – during the months ahead. 

As we go into this holiday season, we may be dealing with different challenges than we have before -- Not able to be with loved ones… An aching kind of missing family and friends…. Nervous about getting COVID, being sick, isolated…. Restless, worried, unmotivated – just as some examples. 

Below you will find some of the most common challenges that we have heard from people recently, and our suggestions for how to not only stay steady in the midst of the storm - but to find and give more love, to take even better care of yourself, to strengthen your true qualities, and to access positive perspectives no matter what the circumstances.

Feeling down, anxious, depressed, or unmotivated?


  • Put on some music and release whatever emotions have been pushed down.

  • Move your body – dance, especially first thing in the morning. (Click here for “Dance it Out” meditation) 

  • Sing. Find a favorite song and sing out loud to it.

  • Call a friend and ask for support. Be open to receiving.

Worried about the unknown?


  • Use this as a time to do some deeper contemplation. Make a list of questions that you have. Take one question and explore it. (See free meditations in “Meditative Thinking” category of the App or use this link >> Meditative Thinking).)

  • Reach out to a Higher Power, in whatever way is real for you. Pray out loud. Dance your prayers. Write your prayers. Pray for others. Go to sleep in prayer about your specific concerns.

Angry, frustrated, fed up?


  • Get a towel or pillow and scream - full out until something releases. Scream words into your towel. Don’t hold back or judge it. Just let it rip. There is a lot to be angry about, and it helps to scream and scream until something breaks open. Sometimes there are other emotions under the anger, like sadness. Give yourself room to feel whatever else is there. (See the releasing meditations found in the “For the Holidays” category of the App.)

  • Ask a friend to be a venting buddy, so you can get the anger and resentment out with someone you trust. Set an amount of time, like 15 minutes. Set up your friend to listen and not go into agreement with you. Give yourself permission to say it all, get everything off your chest, with an intention to let go. Speak something of truth before you end the venting session with your friend so you situate yourself in a positive perspective.

Feeling disconnected from yourself?


  • Meditate to release pent up emotions, get reconnected with who you truly are, and find a place of calm. 

  • Pay attention to a presence or energy or love that is with you. Focus on that. Give your attention to that. 

  • Write a list of your true qualities. Pick one a day and focus on it. 

  • Do something to that helps you to feel your inner strength, like calling a friend to check in on them and see what they might need. Give in some way. (See meditations about giving found in the  “For the Holidays” category of the App.)

More easily triggered than usual?


  • If you follow the news, do a releasing meditation afterwards. Feel whatever you need to feel. Clear out the emotional reactivity. Get back to a centered and calm place within, before you go onto the next part of your day.

  • We have a meditation with practical steps for how to deal with triggers. (See Triggers meditation in “For the Holidays” category of the App.)

  • If someone close to you triggers you, after you have released the triggered emotions, find a way to open your heart to them. For example – write a card, run an errand, or make a meal for them.

General Suggestions:

  • Well-being – Use this time to strengthen your immune system. Rest more, sleep more, get the right supplements for you. Take time to plan your menus and have food that nourishes you. Exercise to strengthen your body and get your energy moving. 

  • Organize something – Go through your drawers, closets, car, garage, kitchen, files – areas that need clearing out, organizing, sorting, decluttering.

  • Get creative – Play music. Draw or paint. Do puzzles. Make jewelry. Write an article or short story. Play games.


Longing to Give


Listening Deeply to Others