Longing to Give

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We are more isolated now than perhaps most of us ever have been. Yet our desire to be together is unshakable. During the holidays we can feel the pull to be with and give to the people who touch our hearts the most. And this year, there seems to be more material barriers to giving than what we are used to. Sharing meals together, buying presents (where now budgets may be tighter), attending holiday performances or services, taking family holiday photos, just physically sitting next to each other and creating new memories. The ways that we have set ourselves up to give in the past,  just aren't as readily available this year.

But, a longing to give is something that we can always connect with. Taking a moment to connect with this longing has the potential to bypass discouraging thoughts, and transform what we are feeling into a deeper connection with how we truly want to express our love for others. 

As an act of support for you to connect with that longing to give, we have prepared for you a ten-minute guided meditation titled "Longing to Give," as well as some journaling prompts and suggested practices. 

Here is the Meditation: Longing to Give


1. What does your longing to give feel like? 

2. What gets in the way of your longing to give and your giving? 

Some examples: 

1. Our own ideas, shoulds, or expectations that we have on ourselves. 

2. Wanting to fix it for someone, so they don’t have to suffer. Underneath the urge to try and fix the situation is a longing to connect, to love and care for another.  

3. Often, we are faced with a situation that is not fixable and we get hung up in feelings of discouragement or resentment, but those are blocking the deeper quality of giving, regardless of whether we can fix anything or not.  

4. Wanting to give to feel better about ourselves or to get something in return.


1. Meditate on ways to give. 

2. Challenge yourself in what and how and to whom you give.

3. Gain awareness on what mixes itself into your giving. 

4. Find a prayer that helps you recognize and live in this longing to give.


We wish you a happy and safe holiday season. Thank you for being a part of our Heart of the Matter Community. 


Announcement: Our Next 3-Day Event


A Different Holiday Season This Year. What We Can Do