When my body needed healing…

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I was in a car accident in early August. I developed a concussion and found myself in bed for 3 weeks. I couldn’t think clearly, my speech was slowed, my eyes could not process print on a page or look at screens, I had vertigo and was gingerly walking around the house due to a loss of balance. Just making breakfast and getting dressed exhausted me. My brain was in repair as was my neck and body.

The opportunity to heal is something we are all presented with at certain times in our lives. During this particular experience, I could not rely on my mind to figure my way out — because along with my brain, that part of my personality was out of service. Instead, I got to trust the connection I had with source energy to guide me.

I see now that with this trust came grace.

During my concussion, I mostly slept and when I was awake I found that guided meditations and visualizations were the most powerful tools I could use with my mind and body to help it heal itself.

I focused my attention on visualizing energetic space around my injuries, giving intentional vibrations of love, peace and joy to every area that was aching and in repair. This practice resulted in an embodied calm despite the pain and fears present in my body.

During one guided meditation, I was following instructions to let the pain go and I envisioned a lavender energy coming in through the crown of my head and I let it surround the inside of my skull. My head was pounding and I was grateful to be visualizing something soothing. Suddenly, without my thinking of it, I felt a white light come in from the left side of my head. It was as if I was watching it happen to me. Then, just as quickly as the light came, it began to pull the pain right out of my head. My head ache was temporarily relieved. I knew this was the result of the innate intelligence that my body has to heal in synch with my sincere desire for source to guide me.

During my time of recovery, calling on love, peace, joy and light to surround the inside and outside of my body, was medicine for my whole being.

Perhaps you are navigating through your own healing journey and are reading this as a way to drink in reminders of the medicines that we all innately have to heal. And for this I hope what I shared was supportive for you.

During my healing, I found a meditation category on the app on this very aspect of life that I just discussed. The category is called “Peace and Healing.” Maybe this is tool is a good one for you too. >>download the app here<<

With Love,


Chris Fruci