Reflections on Our First 3-Day Virtual Event


My name is Laura. I am one of the dozens of people who staff Heart of the Matter Transformation events. We do it because it has changed our lives, and we want to make that possible for others. This work has helped me have such a happier, more peaceful, and fulfilled life. At the end of October, we finished an out-of-this-world transformation experience. This was our first 3-Day online event, and it was profound. Usually, we do our events in person, but like so many during COVID, we needed to re-imagine our events this year. 

We called this event the Virtual Journey Within. Over 50 people came together to share in personal transformation. Using meditation, small group sharing, and other practices, lives were changed, hearts were opened, and more love and light just streamed into the world.

People joined from all over the western world, and across the U.S. The fact that we could meet virtually allowed people who usually couldn’t make it to an in-person event, to be able to join us — no traveling, less time off work and school! Transformation is happening everywhere, and the fact that we could have palpable change and light-bringing right where we are — in so many places — is such a gift!

Also, the staff is amazing, and I transform and grow more every time I staff. I am honored to volunteer with some of the most stellar individuals I have ever known in my life. This is a group where every single person has incredible, grounded depth, as a result of regularly practicing this meditation.

What makes this meditation different, unique, special? For me, in all my years of seeking and dabbling in all sorts of personal and spiritual growth, there were so many places I looked that felt like there was not an actual real-life translation of what was being discovered. When I participated in my first multi-day event of this meditation, I was blown away at how I “connected” to love and something bigger. And I could see this connection reflected in my fellow participants as well. It was one thing to have an experience with God, or Spirit, or source, whatever one calls it (and that happened). But it is another to have that and walk into my life alert and aware of others in a whole new way, with a desire to love and serve wherever possible.

If there was one thing in my life that I would recommend to anyone at least once, is to participate in a multi-day meditation event with the Heart of the Matter Transformation Retreat. If you want to change something in your life... Have deeper relationships…Have always felt there is something more and want to find it... Or just know that you like transformation and inner work and want to try something different…  I recommend this with my whole heart and soul.

We will be holding another Virtual Journey Within May 21 - 23, 2021. You can learn more about this event here

Here’s to more Love and Light on our planet!


Laura Uherka


Abry Deshong