Suggested website updates
Home page
Dedicated landing pages for each program
Given that we've expanded our programs beyond just retreats to include online courses, online workshops, and ‘corporate workshops’, I propose that our homepage could evolve to reflect this broader range of services while still maintaining a focus on our mission and values.
Hero Section: Mission statement + CTA (Explore Our Programs)
Overview of programs: Grid or card layout (Retreats, Online Courses, Online Workshops, Online Seminar Series, Corporate Workshops)
Core Benefits: Brief text highlighting the benefits of each program
Testimonials/Success Stories: Rotating quotes from past participants and companies
Upcoming Events: Featured upcoming programs or retreats with CTA to register
Contact Information: Easy access registration page/contact form
Footer: Essential links + newsletter signup
Navigation - Ready for review
Main Menu
Our Programs (dropdown or main link with subcategories):
Online Courses
Online 3-hour Workshop
Online Seminar series (what is the distinguishing term from workshop?)
Corporate & Organizational Workshops
Daily live-stream meditations?
Added other programs
About Us
Contact us
Get Involved
Dedicated Landing Pages for Each Program
Current status of landing pages
Retreat - already have landing page
Meditation Course - already have a landing page
Freedom From Stress course - already have landing page
Online 3-hour Workshop - already have a landing page
Online Seminars (what is the distinguishing term from a workshop?) - needs a landing page
Freedom From Stress Corporate & Organizational Workshops - needs a landing page
Elements for each landing page:
What’s Included: Bullet points of what participants will experience or learn.
Format/Duration: E.g., Self-paced (online courses), scheduled (workshops, retreats), or on-demand.
Target Audience: Who should sign up for this program (e.g., "Ideal for individuals seeking personal growth" or "Perfect for teams looking to strengthen communication").
Pricing & CTA/Registration
Testimonials or Case Studies
Corporate / Organization Program Landing Page
Will need to create with Marlene.
I can offer suggestions first and we build from there…
Section suggestions:
Why Freedom from Stress Matters in the Workplace
Freedom From Stress – Designed for Corporate and Non-Profit Teams
The Benefits for Your Organization
How It Works
CTA - Get Started Today
Contact Us