Heart of the Matter Transformation Presents

Lunch and Learn

What is a Lunch and Learn?

Meditation has proven to be an effective means and can be the key, to finding more peace and freedom, more authenticity in relationships with friends, family and co-workers, by learning strategies that limit the negative impact of stress, anxiety, and past or recurrent issues.  

Our Lunch and Learns presented by Heart of the Matter Transformation leaders are meant to give a 90-minute experience a variety of the meditation tools we practice.  Our sessions are interactive and flexible to meet the needs of your specific group(s).   

We will walk participants through a series of activities and exercises to experience some of the following: more awareness, relief from stress, frustration or anxiety, and access to clear thinking, from a connected, conscious and present place within themselves.  

In this interactive session, participants will experience several meditation tools that they can apply in their everyday life. Participants will be able to apply those tools in the session. After each tool has been experienced, participants will have the opportunity to speak about their insights and ask questions of the facilitators. 

Sample List of Modules

  • Building your Resiliency 

  • Reflect to Reignite your Well Being 

  • Gaining Freedom from Stress 

  • Handling Challenging Emotions 

  • Meditation Tools for Parents 

What Participants are Saying

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Laurie and Lisa T/parenting group 

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Who We Have Worked With